Home Server rooms Improvement


Server room and data center availability and efficiency tune up

We help your company to meet the challenges out of the developments of IT, and how to improve the reliability and availa...
We help your company to meet the challenges out of the developments of IT, and how to improve the reliability and availability in your data center and server room!
The IT and the physical infrastructure supporting that, are continuously under development. And in a data center the 20-30 percent of the IT load usually changes in a year. These changes means that in the server rooms and especially in the data centers, time to time should check, whether the background physical infrastructure working well enough, and efficient or not, whether the units, and the technology are reliable enough or not, whether the cooling technology is applicable for the new devices, or is there enough resources for future demands? And you might have the time to act and intervention?

Many times, with the new developments, the new tool and units are also become more efficient and more reliable and so their replacements can be justified not only by the problems of the old ones but by the new functions and the increased efficiency.

We would help you to measure and decide whether your data center or server room can be improved or not, and giving proposals for improvements, or the management of the improvements with verification.

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